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About Us

We are a Mumbai based, 100% Indian equity focused specialist in the portfolio management space. Founded by Mr. Ajay Sheth in the late 1980s, we have been in the Indian capital markets for over three (3) decades now. We began our journey as a provider of high-quality bespoke equity research in the mid-cap and small-cap space for FIIs, Mutual Funds and other Institutional investors.

Our passion and belief fueled our desire to start Investment management services under the SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 1993. In October 2007, we started off with our first PMS offering, Quest Flagship. Today, we manage nearly Rs 3,000 Cr (over USD 350 Million), for our 1200+ unique clients spanning family offices, corporates, HNI and NRI clients across PMS, AIF (commitments) and offshore strategies.

Our Approach

We at Quest, believe in keeping investments simple and ensuring we do our basic ground research thoroughly rather than looking for elusive magical moments. Our investments are based on a set of principles, which have stood the test of time and guided us well over the years. They have helped us during good and bad times and in riding out market volatility while generating consistent outperformance.

Our Offerings

We have on offer portfolio management services (PMS) and Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) with 100% focus on Indian equities.

Looking Inward

What Drives Quest Investment Philosophy

A good investment doesn’t yield returns overnight. It is difficult to not get distracted by every upswing and downswing that market throws at you. Our conviction and single-minded focus on delivering to our investors blocks out any unnecessary distractions.

Trust has a deep inherent role to play in the investment management universe. Every participant in this universe is intricately connected by this trait. We too, are no different. At the very heart of Quest lies trust. We understand and value the role this plays in our relationships.


There isn’t anything else we’d rather be doing. We’ve followed our hearts into this business and have no inclination of turning back.


The investment universe requires integrity at all levels to function smoothly. We stress on utmost integrity in all our transactions with external as well as internal stakeholders.


We’re very cognisant of the depth and expanse of the market we’re working in. It keeps us grounded. We respect that the market is bigger than us and we’re continually bettering ourselves by learning from the market everyday.

Quality of Business Associates

Our clients trust us to do what’s best for them. We engage with professionals who are amongst the best in their respective fields to serve our clients better.


We stay invested through market cycles. Our focus is on a sustained rather than sporadic performance. We could ride our ability and luck to the top but without character and persistence, it would be impossible to stay there.


At Quest, we believe in a philosophy where giving back is an organic extension of our business. Through the Quest Foundation, we actively seek and lend our support to noble initiatives. Initiatives aimed at doing good. After all, a business draws from society. Isn’t it just fair to give back in atleast equal measure?


We’re well aware that our business is the result of hardwork of all our stakeholders. Each and every person has, in his/her own way, made this organisation what it is today. We value every partnership, and more importantly, the trust that our investors, and society at large, have placed in us, & always strive to be worthy of it.

Our Mission

Modern Investment Management Agency

One Eye on the Future
One Eye on the Past
One Eye on the Future

Knowledge Centre

Here you can find out about your basic queries on Portfolio Management Services (PMS), read our newsletters and also peruse through some thought-provoking articles on investment and economics.